Series 2, Episode 02: PRIMED AND READY
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In this episode, Matt finds his portrait in a Prime Number, Helen sings about the biggest Prime Number ever discovered (at the time of recording) and Steve discovers the hot new trick that wild honey bees are using to defend themselves.
- 00:52 – Steve’s bit
- 13:33 – Matt’s bit
- 26:12 – Helen’s bit
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Corrections and clarifications:
- Since hearing this episode, listener Jeff S from Washington DC has found each of us a prime based on our twitter profile photos, and a bonus one of A Podcast Of Unnecessary Detail’s logo! Each number is 4096 digits and written in base ten, although they don’t make use of all ten digits. See below to find them in all their numerical glory!
And here’s a heap of Unnecessary Detail from this episode:
- More on Hot Defensive Bee Balls.
- Steve’s impression of a Slow Loris on twitter (or see image below)
- Pom Pom Crabs are real!
- Matt’s face in a prime number on twitter (or see image below)
- Matt’s face not in a prime number.
- The Trinity Hall prime number on a blog by Numberphile’s Brady Haran.
- Thinking of getting into exponentials? You need this Natural Starter Log that Matt tweeted about (or see image below)
- Mersenne 51 song and lyrics, download for free on Helen’s Bandcamp page.
- Sign up to Helen’s mailing list to get a free secret recording of her Mersenne 48 song.
- Or listen to it on the BBC More Or Less website here.
- GIMPs home page.
- That Morcambe and Wise sketch with André Previn, with all the right notes not necessarily in the right order.
- The Lucas Lehmer primality test.
- Yes, Matt really has printed out a massive prime number.
If you’re not on twitter, here’s some of the images we linked to in our tweets above:

Steve as a Slow Loris

Matt Parker in his Prime (as found by Jesse Mitchell)

Matt Parker not in his Prime (original photo by Steve Ullathorne)

Thinking of getting into exponentials? This Natural Starter Log should help.
Thanks to Jeff S for all these amazing Prime Portraits!
- Helen Arney
- Helen In Her Prime
- Matt Parker
- Matt In His Prime
- Steve Mould
- Steve In His Prime
- Our Podcast Logo
- Our Podcast Logo In Its Prime
A Podcast Of Unnecessary Detail is part of the Acast Creator Network. Thanks for listening!