“A little bit QI with a dash of How 2” Metro … more

An Evening Of Unnecessary Detail

A nerdy variety night with Matt, Helen, Steve and friends.
“Come for the Unnecessary Detail, stay for the An Evening Of.”


An Evening Of Unnecessary Detail returned to London in 2023 with a sold out night at the Royal Institution, and we loved it so much we’re doing loads more!

Our first show out of London in nearly a decade, at the gorgeous Bristol Beacon in March 2024, featured Helen, Matt, Steve, Ayliean MacDonald, Jon Chase, Iszi Lawrence, Subhadra Das, Ben Sparks, Hana Ayoob, Ross Exton, Connor Davies and Stephanie Martin.

The line-up for 2023 Cambridge Theatre show in London was Matt ParkerHelen Arney, Yuriko Kotani, Mithuna Yoganathan, Yolanda Ohene, Lucy Cooke, Dan Schreiber, Grant Sanderson of 3Blue1Brown, Ayliean MacDonald, Count Binface, and a specially created 5-part vocal ensemble: Molly O’Gorman and the Firebrands.

Again, we really cannot recommend enough that you join our mailing list to hear about everything we are up to, as soon as it is announced… there’s so many things coming up in and out of London, we don’t want you to miss out on any of it.


Stand-up mathematician Matt Parker, experiments maestro Steve Mould and geek songstress Helen Arney each talk about something you might not believe could be interesting, but turns out to be utterly fascinating when you get down to the nitty and / or gritty. Also featuring new songs from Helen!

Search for “Unnecessary Detail” on your favourite podcast app, or click here to listen to every episode.


An Evening of Unnecessary Detail is, in short, an event where 80% of the words in the title start with a vowel. Of the 16 unique letters in the title, 31.25% of them are used more than once. If you are not enjoying this level of detail, it’s unlikely that you will enjoy the show.

An Evening of Unnecessary Detail is, in short, an event where we ask enthusiasts, scientists, miscellaneous experts* and/or comedians to talk about whatever they want. By attending this event, you revoke all rights to complain about the level of detail they choose to do so in.

An Evening of Unnecessary Detail is, in short, an event hosted by some or all of Festival of the Spoken Nerd: Matt Parker, Steve Mould and Helen Arney. Each of them have 10 letters in their names. Each show will be 10,800 seconds long. Each ticket can be bought via the links on this page.

*actual experts in miscellany

See individual ticket links for concession and access information.

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