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Series 1, Episode 02: INTERSTELLAR

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In this episode, Steve tries to measure distant stars with his thumb, Matt talks black holes & plot holes and Helen plays some of her favourite space sounds. Plus a song from Helen that may provide useful information for your future interstellar travel needs.

01:00 –  Steve’s bit
12:30 – Helen’s bit
24:40 – Matt’s bit
38:50 – Helen’s song

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Corrections and clarifications first:

  • 12:09 – Helen uses the phrase “standing on the shoulders of giants” which – as Lynda Goldenberg rightly points out – not actually a complement, but rather a heinous insult used by Isaac Newton to describe Robert Hooke. We’ll pull this apart properly in a future episode.
  • 20:49 – Anaesthetists @brisgasdoc and @mjtb1987 have confirmed that they use the blood oxygen level tone all day, every day with their patients. This paper is an interesting investigation into attention and sonification in the operating room, and does mentions how surgical colleagues prefer to keep the oximeter volume down low.

Here’s a heap of unnecessary detail from this episode:

A Podcast Of Unnecessary Detail is part of the Acast Creator Network. Thanks for listening!

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