Festival of the Spoken Nerd vs Professor Elemental
Part of Brighton Science Festival 2016
The wonders of Modern Science and Victorian Hip Hop, together at last!
In a very special one-off show for the Brighton Science Festival, science comedy phenomenon Festival of the Spoken Nerd join forces with local comedy music hero and Hip Hip emcee, Professor Elemental. Together they’re putting the actual power of Steam into Steampunk.
In a never-to-be-seen again, unrepeatable (and probably un-insurable) night Professor Elemental will join The Nerds on stage to perform geek songstress Helen Arney’s sexually charged comedy R&B hit Animals, while experiments guy Steve Mould and stand-up mathematician Matt Parker pitch in to help the Prof create a fiery finale to end all fiery finales.
Don’t miss two of your favourite acts as they nerd out to infinity and beyond at The Old Market this February.
Tickets available now.
festivalofthespokennerd.com – @FOTSN
professorelemental.com – @prof_elemental
Show suitable only for ages 12+, contains strong nerdity and scenes of a graph-ic nature. No butlers were harmed in the making of this show, but we did damage a few pairs of fighting trousers…
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