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Series 2, Episode 04: INPUT AND OUTPUT

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In this episode, Steve explains how computers talk to each other behind our backs, Helen co-writes a song with a popular internet search engine (if you can’t work out which one, Google it) and Matt brings an Oscar-winning algorithm to the table.

  • 00:56 – Steve’s bit
  • 16:18 – Matt’s bit
  • 36:24 – Helen’s bit

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Corrections and clarifications:

  • MikoKisai (and many others since he first noticed it…) has kindly pointed out that at various points, Steve gets his acronyms wrong: API is short for application programming interface, not application protocol interface. Cheers Miko!
  • Steve Howe also pointed out an error from Helen: A major and F# minor are the “same” key, not A major and C# minor as she said.
  • Darci Peeps on YouTube pointed us towards a great video from Iñigo Quilez, the developer on Brave whose phone number was used as the seed for generating realistic vegetation.

And here’s a heap of Unnecessary Detail from this episode:

A Podcast Of Unnecessary Detail is part of the Acast Creator Network. Thanks for listening!

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